New Project: Custom Chess Set

I was asked to create a custom chess set for my next class. I thought about an idea for a while and I decided to do one centered around a video game theme. I didn't pick anything in particular, as I didn't want to just make fanart. Minecraft is a game that popped to mind, so I made blocky chess pieces

Blocks are pretty simple to draw, so first I started with a silhouette of what they might look like

I used grid paper to make each block size identical. Something like this might need support structure if 3d printed due to all the horizontal planes.

After settling on the above silhouettes, I wanted to see what they might look like in 3d.

Each piece will have a base of 5×5×2 blocks. Each block is equal to 1×1×1 cm, which should meet regular chess piece size requirements if I make it at this scale.

The knight piece will need a lot of refinement, it does not look like a horse at all. I might need to make the blocks smaller, in order to allow for more detail.
